How to deal with those who are rude to you: an unceremonious quote from Ranevskaya

27.07.2024 19:54

It is almost impossible to find a person who has never encountered rudeness in his life.

Communicating with a boor is, to put it mildly, not the most pleasant experience.

Disappointment, resentment, irritation, anger - this is far from a complete list of emotions that can be experienced when interacting with an ignoramus.

How should we perceive ill-mannered people?

The brilliant Soviet actress Faina Ranevskaya answered this question long ago.

Photo: Pixabay

How to deal with boors

Rudeness should not be answered with rudeness.

This approach will definitely not help you calm down and cope with the resentment.

Yes, you may be able to vent your emotions. But later you will probably regret your actions.

It is better to respond to rudeness with silence. If possible, it is worthwhile to completely stop communicating with rude people.

But how can you force yourself to react calmly to ill-mannered people, and then easily forget about their existence?

The answer is simple: you need to learn to perceive boors correctly. Once Faina Ranevskaya shared this perhaps unceremonious, but rather interesting and accurate comparison:

There are people who are like perishable products... The warmer you treat them, the faster they rot.

Remember the quote. It will help you to perceive boors correctly, not to be offended by them, to realize the impossibility of their "re-education" and the pointlessness of communicating with them.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief