There's just over a quarter of an hour left before the guests arrive, and the toilet smells bad?
The stench can be removed without any problem.
But not with the help of air freshener! This product only masks the unpleasant smell and disappears quite quickly.

Better to use… regular table salt. It will really eliminate the stench. And very quickly.
How to properly pour salt into the toilet
First of all, you shouldn't use too much of this product. One tablespoon is enough.
Secondly, it is advisable to pour salt so that as little as possible gets into the water. The ideal option is to sprinkle the product only on the inner walls of the plumbing fixtures.
Thirdly, the salt should be distributed over the above-mentioned surface as evenly as possible.
After 15 minutes of salt in the toilet, the unpleasant smell should completely disappear. All that remains is to flush the product by pressing the appropriate button on the toilet.
The toilet will become much fresher. Thus, the hostess will not be ashamed in front of guests.