The hot period is accompanied by a considerable number of problems.
One of them is increased sweating.
The sweat that is released causes an unpleasant odor. In addition, yellow spots appear in certain parts of the shirt or vest.

Using deodorants can solve the problem.
But why spend money if you can use one natural and relatively inexpensive remedy that turns out to be no less (and in many cases more) effective?
Natural remedy against sweat odor
We're talking about lemon. More precisely, lemon juice.
Squeeze some liquid out of the citrus fruit and soak a cosmetic pad with it.
Next, wipe the underarm area with a cotton swab.
As a result, the smell of sweat will be completely eliminated. In addition, the stench will definitely not appear in the near future.
Lemon juice is great at dealing with unpleasant odors. In many cases, this liquid is more effective than deodorants. And all thanks to its antiseptic properties.
Earlier, housewives were told about two methods of whitening plastic.