An iron, like any other appliance, requires timely care and attention.
Therefore, you need to make sure that the iron is as clean as possible.
In this case, things will remain clean and without damage. Every housewife has her own methods of working with an iron. But the "piggy bank" should be replenished with working methods.

Which method is worth trying?
First, take a glass of water. Add about one and a half spoons of citric acid. Make sure that the product dissolves well. There should be no crystals left.
Then you need to pour the prepared mixture into the iron itself and cover it.
After that, you need to start heating the equipment and reach maximum values.
Then we wait until the device turns on again for the second time after switching off. Then you can disconnect the iron from the power supply. Next, press the steam supply.
Thanks to this, not the slightest trace of scale will remain.
The method is absolutely safe for equipment, so it can be safely used if necessary.
Previously, we talked about what to add to the powder to improve its quality .