Moths, despite their "modest size", are capable of causing significant damage to our clothes.
Therefore, it is worth fighting it at the first signs of its appearance.
If you are not a supporter of chemicals, you can try to do without them.

What methods can be useful
First, put things in order
Some things need to be washed, and some need to be thrown out. Often, moths appear in closets that have not been decluttered for a long time.
Cold or sun
After you have left only the necessary things, they should be processed. To do this, you should hang the things outside. Ideally, if it is scorching hot or, on the contrary, very cold outside.
This temperature is very useful in the fight against moths.
After you have carried out the above procedures, you need to protect the closet from the reappearance of moths. To do this, you will need to leave a bag or jar with a "surprise" inside.
Inside, it is worth sending citrus peels, bay leaves, cloves or chamomile.
Previously, we talked about how to wash kitchen towels using vinegar and citric acid .