In most cases, every kitchen uses cutlery made of stainless steel.
They are among the most budget-friendly options.
However, they also need to be cleaned, as they quickly become covered with plaque and lose their attractive appearance.

Luckily, there is a great way to get them in order.
What does it consist of?
First, you will need to grate the laundry soap. We need a couple of spoons of shavings. Put a saucepan on the stove, pour in two liters of water and turn on the fire.
As soon as the liquid boils, you need to add soap. Almost immediately, add two spoons of soda and one spoon of vinegar.
Stir the mixture.
The fire should be turned off.
Afterwards, we send all the cutlery that needs cleaning. Cover the pan with a lid and wait for 10 to 20 minutes.
All that's left to do is rinse them under water. You'll be surprised how clean and attractive your cutlery will be again.
Earlier we talked about how to bleach tulle using a secret method .