What to Add to Your Washing Machine for Better Washing: Secrets to Perfect Cleanliness

17.05.2024 09:15

Stains on your favorite shirt, washed-out bed linen, a gray tint to white. Sound familiar? Modern washing machines seem to be able to handle any kind of dirt, but in practice the results are often disappointing.

The secret of perfect washing lies not only in the choice of program, but also in additional products that will help achieve impeccable cleanliness and maintain the quality of things.

Excessive use of washing powder does not make the laundry cleaner, but, on the contrary, can lead to the appearance of stains and an unpleasant odor.

Choosing the wrong washing mode also has a negative impact on the condition of things - delicate fabrics can become deformed, and colored ones can lose their brightness.

To avoid such problems, it is important to understand how additional detergents work. Each additive performs its own function, and the correct combination of them is the key to flawless washing.

Washing machine
Photo: © Belnovosti

Washing soda against hard water

Hard water is the main enemy of the washing machine. Due to the high content of mineral salts, detergents do not form foam well, which leads to the formation of plaque on the internal parts of the machine and the laundry.

As a result, things become stiff, lose their whiteness and wear out faster.

Washing soda softens water. Add a couple of tablespoons of soda to the powder compartment and you will notice how the quality of washing has improved.

Baking soda neutralizes the action of mineral salts, allowing detergents to work more effectively.

Table vinegar: freshness and odor control

Unpleasant odors that have ingrained themselves into the fabric can ruin the impression of even the most thorough washing. Synthetic fragrances in conditioners mask odors, but do not eliminate them completely.

Regular table vinegar will help in the fight against unpleasant odors. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, vinegar effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors without leaving a sharp chemical aroma.

Add half a cup of vinegar to the fabric softener compartment during the final rinse cycle. Vinegar also softens fabrics and prevents static.

Baking soda for whites

Chlorine bleaches are aggressive and can damage the structure of the fabric. A more gentle alternative is baking soda, which gently bleaches, removes stains and refreshes fabrics.

Add half a cup of baking soda along with your laundry detergent to restore your whites to their original whiteness.

Baking soda will also help eliminate odors and soften hard water.

Essential Oils: The Scent That Sets the Mood

Synthetic fragrances in conditioners can cause allergies and skin irritation. A natural alternative is essential oils, which not only give your laundry a pleasant aroma, but also have therapeutic properties.

Lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus – the choice of essential oils is huge. Add a few drops of your chosen oil to the conditioner compartment to enjoy your favorite aroma.

Boric acid: antibacterial protection

Boric acid, which has antiseptic and antifungal properties, is an effective remedy.

It is especially useful when washing towels, linens and children's clothing. Adding a tablespoon of boric acid to your laundry detergent helps eliminate bacteria and protect against mold.

Previously, we told you how to make even the most neglected toilet white again.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Washing soda against hard water
  2. Table vinegar: freshness and odor control
  3. Baking soda for whites
  4. Essential Oils: The Scent That Sets the Mood
  5. Boric acid: antibacterial protection