Some young people still do not understand why experienced housewives take several packs of soda and go to the store for it again.
It's just that not everyone knows about the potential of this product.
How can the powder be used in everyday life?
Ideal shoes without odor
Sometimes, as a result of vigorous activity or long walks, our feet sweat. This is normal, but it creates one problem: an unpleasant odor.
You just need to put some paper, sprinkle some baking soda overnight and your shoes will stop smelling bad.
No smell in the refrigerator
This problem is also one of the most urgent, so you need to know how to deal with it. There are two options. The first is that you just need to wash the refrigerator with water and soda.
The second is even simpler: the bowl with powder should be placed on the bottom shelf.
The perfect trash can
Sometimes a bucket may seem clean, but still be a source of unpleasant odor and germs. In this case, it needs to be washed thoroughly (you can use powder here too), wiped, and then sprinkled with soda on the bottom.
Cat litter tray
Many people who have cats at home try to overcome the unpleasant smell. Therefore, you can pour soda under the lid, and only then use the tray.
You will need to change the litter and wash the tray less often.
Clean carpet
If you need to make sure that there is no dust or stains left, you should first sweep the carpet and then spread soda on the surface.
After another 20 minutes you can vacuum.
Earlier we talked about how you can overcome dust in your home .