How to remove beet stains from a cutting board: vegetable oil will help - a note for housewives

08.05.2024 12:19

Beetroot is an excellent natural dye.

However, this feature is not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage of the brown root crop.

It is enough to cut the vegetable on the cutting board once - and the device will be soaked with beet juice. As a result, there will be hard-to-remove stains.

The most interesting thing is that beets are dangerous for both wooden and plastic boards.

However, there is one little trick that allows you to avoid “staining” a popular kitchen item.

Photo: © Belnovosti

How to clean a cutting board

No, you don’t need to use household chemicals yet.

A natural remedy - vegetable oil - will come to the aid of the housewife.

First, rinse the cutting board with plain water and wipe the surface dry.

Next, take a clean cosmetic pad, soak it in the viscous product and “go over” the kitchen appliance.

The dirt will most likely be removed immediately. The board will acquire perfect cleanliness.

Important point: the life hack with oil only works if you wipe the surface immediately after beetroot juice gets on it.

So don't waste time: carry out the procedure immediately after cutting the brown root vegetable.

It is worth noting that the oil removes beet stains well not only from the cutting board, but also from other surfaces. For example, from the countertop and from plates.

Earlier we explained why thrifty housewives put toothpaste in the toilet cistern .

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief