If you need to clean your oven from a thick layer of dirt, then this task will be, to put it mildly, not the easiest.
Therefore, it is worth immediately using only proven methods that give good results in the most difficult cases.
For example, you can pay attention to the classic combination of vinegar and soda. They are able to overcome almost any dirt.

How to use them correctly to clean the oven?
First, you need to remove all the "contents" of the oven, including various grates and baking trays. Then we "arm ourselves" with a regular hard metal sponge and begin the classic cleaning of the surface.
The more dirt we can remove, the easier it will be to deal with the problem overall.
Once the mechanical stage is complete, mix four spoons of soda with a spoon of water and dishwashing gel. Try to achieve the most uniform consistency.
Spread the paste evenly over the entire surface of the cabinet, including the glass. Wait for about 30 minutes.
Pour the vinegar into a spray bottle and apply over the cleaning solution.
Afterwards, using the abrasive side of a regular sponge, we begin to clean off the carbon deposits and grease.
All that remains is to rinse off the product and wipe the oven.
Earlier we talked about how to clean a faucet from a layer of limescale in half an hour .