Most of the usual methods of cleaning plumbing are probably known to all experienced housewives.
However, sometimes some people come up with very interesting and unusual ideas.
For example, few people would think of using a balloon as an aid to cleaning a toilet. However, this method is very effective and high-quality.

Why put a balloon in the toilet
First, it is worth removing the liquid from the plumbing if possible. After that, we estimate the size of the drain and inflate the balloon so that it can block it and prevent water from leaking.
We tie the ball with a strong long rope.
Meanwhile, take a bucket of warm water. Pour in half a liter of vinegar, a few spoons of soda and liquid soap.
Mix thoroughly to obtain uniformity.
We "plug" the drain with the ball. Pour in the prepared solution. Try to securely fix the rope.
Leave the toilet like this for 2-3 hours. Remove the ball and wait until the cleaning solution drains. Go over the surface with a sponge and evaluate the result.
After such washing even the dirtiest toilet will become clean.
Previously, we talked about how you can use ammonia and essential oils to wash floors .