Kitchen walls are at risk of being stained with greasy splashes and covered with soot every minute.
For this reason, more and more people are choosing washable wallpaper for this room.
But this does not mean that you can wash the wall covering as you please. Instead, you should use only wallpaper-safe products – any of the ones from the list you will find in this article.

Citric acid
Dissolve 4 tablespoons of powder in 200 ml of water, then wet the dirty area of the wallpaper with the resulting solution and leave it like that for 5 minutes.
After the specified time, treat the coating again, and then wash off the applied composition with water.
Talc (baby powder)
These products are excellent at absorbing grease, so to remove these types of stains, apply the powder to a dry sponge or sprinkle directly from the dispenser onto the stained area, leave for 15 minutes, then remove with a soft brush or foam sponge.
Alcohol will remove not only grease, but also stains from markers or stickers. A piece of cloth should be generously moistened with alcohol and applied to the dirty area. Your task is to make blotting movements, moving from the edges to the center of the stain.
Previously, we shared forgotten tricks for using garlic in everyday life.