Many housewives want their apartments to always smell nice.
Fortunately, achieving the desired result is very simple.
And there is no need to constantly use air fresheners and other expensive aromatization products.

A much cheaper remedy will come to the rescue. We are talking about baking soda.
How to Use Baking Soda to Improve the Smell in Your Apartment
First you need to choose any small jar.
The container must be washed well and filled with soda.
Sodium bicarbonate is an excellent sorbent. Therefore, excess odors will be absorbed by it quite quickly.
But we need not only to remove the stench, but also to achieve the appearance of pleasant aromas.
Therefore, you need to add a few drops of any essential oil to the powder.
Next, the jar should be closed with a lid. The container should be shaken well.
The next step is to make several small holes in the lid.
The resulting device should be left in some room. For example, in the hallway, living room or bedroom.
The apartment will be filled with a pleasant aroma for a very long time. At the same time, unpleasant odors will be "masked" or completely disappear.
Earlier we told you how to deal with unpleasant odors in your washing machine.