An unpleasant smell in the refrigerator can appear at any time: it is enough to simply not monitor the expiration date of a couple of products.
Therefore, you need to keep in mind proven methods that will come to your aid.
How to quickly get rid of unpleasant odors from your refrigerator
Soda with salt
This method is effective if the "aroma" has not had time to spread too actively throughout the refrigerator.

In this case, you just need to wash the equipment in any way and wipe dry.
Next, take any medium-sized container and fill it with soda and salt. The components are taken in equal quantities.
It is best to leave the mixture for at least 8-10 hours.
After this, there will be no trace of the smell left.
Quality washing
There is another great way that will help you tidy up your refrigerator even if the problem of unpleasant odor was very serious.
Take a container with a sprayer and pour in water. Then add 3-4 spoons of vinegar.
First, wash the refrigerator in the usual way. Then apply the prepared product to all surfaces for a quarter of an hour.
Next, we wash off the composition and evaluate the result.
Previously we talked about how to clean pans from grease using soda .