How to clean dirty dishes with lemon and soda: a useful trick - will come in handy for many

15.03.2024 15:54

Many housewives do not like to use special dishwashing detergents, as they consider them harmful.

Indeed, the composition of such gels can hardly be called impeccable.

But products with a good composition will have a corresponding price. In such cases, it is worth paying attention to the methods accumulated over the years.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Most often you can find references to the use of mustard. The powder is really capable of quickly ridding dishes of germs, dirt and grease. But this is not the only option.

How to Wash Dishes with Lemon and Baking Soda

First, you need to combine lemon juice with soda. Take the components in a one-to-one ratio. After that, you can immediately apply the prepared composition to the rag.

Next we begin processing.

As a result, even stubborn and old traces of grease can be dealt with without much effort.

Sometimes lemon is used separately: a small piece is used to treat the surface of the dishes.

Lemon juice is also used to wash a large amount of dishes. To do this, pour water into a large saucepan, add the juice of one lemon and a large spoon of salt. The plates will be incredibly clean.

Previously, we talked about which items should not be washed with vinegar.

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

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