Every housewife at least once in her life has encountered a situation when shiny rhinestones have fallen off her favorite clothes.
It is a mistake to try to put the sparkling stones back in place, because they are almost 100% guaranteed to fall off again.
Instead, you should be interested in how to remove glue marks from fabric - and then you can use the item again in your wardrobe without a shadow of embarrassment.
To remove traces of glue without damaging the product, you must follow certain rules.
You can use acetone and acetone-based solvents. Be careful: they should be applied from the back of the product using a clean swab.
On the front side of the product, you should place blotting paper, which should be replaced as it gets dirty.
Alternatively, apply turpentine to the stain and wait a few minutes before wiping it off with a clean swab.
Unlike acetone, it can be applied to both the back and front sides of the product, but it doesn’t hurt to test it on an inconspicuous area.
Another important note: when wiping away the stain, be careful not to transfer the glue to clean areas of the fabric.
But if the glue has become gelatinous under the influence of the solvent and cannot be removed with a swab, try to get rid of it with an eraser.
Earlier we told you how to clean a fur coat after winter.