It is important to understand that any thing in our apartment can have both a positive and negative impact on us.
Therefore, you need to be smart about choosing things for your home.
What objects can literally suck out life energy?
Empty containers (drink bottles, cans, etc.)
If you are sure that you will definitely use them (for canning, creating decorative elements for the home), then you can leave them.

But in this case, it is better to hide them away or, if possible, take them to the basement.
Something related to death
These could be skulls and bones on posters and decor, things left by deceased relatives, and other objects closely associated with death itself or symbolizing it.
They can have an extremely negative impact on our well-being.
Dried flowers, branches, plants
Despite the fact that such plant elements are associated with beauty and romance, they should not be kept in the house. They are believed to act like real vampires.
Previously, we talked about how to quickly and efficiently clean an oven .
Attention! The editors of the online publication Belnovosti warn that fortune telling, extrasensory perception, astrology, numerology, esotericism, and palmistry are not science. The information in such materials is often entertaining in nature, so it should not be taken seriously, but only as a probability of events. Everyone can change their own destiny if they want and try.