Ardent readers even take books with them to the bathroom.
Therefore, don’t be surprised if one day your favorite volume ends up completely in water.
Luckily, the edition can still be saved, but the battery won't help you at all.
Instead, go the opposite way and use the freezer to "reanimate" the book.
Place the book in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer.
There the dehydration process will take place, and freezing will prevent moisture from damaging the letters.
Depending on the size of the book, this process can take up to two weeks.
Perhaps, if we are talking about minor damage to a book by water, other methods will help to get out of a difficult situation, but if a textbook or a collection of works of fiction ended up in water, so to speak, “up to its head”, it is better to resort to the help of a freezer.
Earlier we shared a life hack that will prevent your shoelaces from coming undone.