Is your wallet worn out enough to need replacing? Don't rush to throw your old wallet in the trash, because according to folk beliefs, this can lead to the loss of all your monetary luck.
Instead of simply throwing your wallet in the trash, you need to perform a special ritual with it - then your financial well-being will not leave you along with your worn-out “storage” for money.
Burn or bury
If you don't want your finances to "sing romances," don't throw your wallet in the trash. Instead, commit it to the ground or fire.

Of course, to begin with, you should take all the money out of your wallet, but don’t put it in a new one, but donate it or spend it on gifts for loved ones.
After this, you should say words of gratitude to the old wallet, something like “Thank you for your faithful service.”
That's basically it - all that's left is to bury the wallet far from your home or burn it in an open fire.
Don't throw it away at all
There is another interesting belief that says that instead of throwing away an old wallet, you should leave it in the house.
First, wrap your wallet in natural material and leave it in a secluded corner. And to make your wealth grow, don't forget to leave an old banknote in your wallet.
Earlier we talked about what you shouldn’t do at a funeral.