Housewives of the past were more enterprising: since there were practically no cleaning products on sale, they had to make do with what was available.
For example, not everyone knows what ordinary potatoes are capable of.
What hidden properties of vegetables are worth knowing?
Perfectly clean carpets
If you are going to cook potato dishes, do not rush to throw away the peel. It is also worth chopping it a little and spreading it over the carpet.

After a couple of hours, sweep and vacuum. The results will amaze you.
Perfect Silver
This type of metal often darkens, so the products need to be looked after on a regular basis. First, boil the potatoes in their skins. Remove them from the pan, and then use the remaining broth as a soaking liquid.
30 minutes will be enough to make the products shine again.
Clean windows
If you rub your windows with regular peeled potatoes and then polish the glass, you will be incredibly surprised: cleanliness and shine are guaranteed.
Earlier we talked about how to clean a gas stove using improvised means .