Bring on Misfortune: 5 Things You Shouldn't Give Even to Your Loved Ones

06.01.2024 05:30

According to popular belief, giving away certain things can bring trouble.

We will tell you what things, according to signs, should not be given even to close people.

What things should not be given away

Firstly, the signs forbid giving used wallets and bags to anyone. It is believed that this can bring poverty.

Photo: © Belnovosti

You can also lose your financial well-being by giving your broom to someone.

According to other signs, it is also forbidden to give away bed linen and personal towels - this can cause illness.

It is also forbidden to give away mirrors. It is considered bad luck.

Previously, we talked about how to take a real Christmas tree out of the house without covering everything around with needles.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor

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