The gas stove requires special attention on a regular basis, as traces of grease and other dirt become visible on it very quickly.
Therefore, it is worth using proven washing methods.
How to clean a gas stove
Method with soda gruel
This is a very popular and high-quality method of cleaning the stove even from persistent dirt and old grease. You need to slightly moisten one hundred grams of soda.

Leave the product on the stove for a quarter of an hour, and then remove it with water.
For the most hopeless cases
If the stains seem completely hopeless, then it is worth taking the most effective method. You will need to protect the skin with gloves. Then moisten the sponge with vinegar and rub the surface.
Sprinkle the surface with baking soda on top.
Wait three minutes and remove the dirt without much effort.
Mustard powder
This method can also be considered the most qualitative, although you will have to wait. First, bring the mustard to the state of cream with water.
We spread it over the surface of the stove. We wait at least an hour and start cleaning.
Previously we talked about how to tidy up white socks .