Place in the house where you need to put the Decembrist according to signs: we protect the home from negativity, quarrels and conflicts

28.12.2023 22:05

A nice and pleasant plant called Decembrist pleases many. And people who know say that this creation loves cool and not very sunny places.

That is why they choose appropriate locations for this representative of flora in their homes and apartments.

But, as the signs show, the plant, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, is able to protect your home from all sorts of adversity and conflicts.


To make it so, the same signs advise choosing special places for the Decembrist. Only this way and no other way.

And then, in addition to everything else, the flower will give you and your household a bonus of kindness, sincerity, care, warmth - in general, all those qualities that we sometimes sorely lack in everyday life.

Photo: Pixabay

By the way, signs say: if the Decembrist blooms as expected, there is a favorable atmosphere in your house.

If the flower blooms early, new acquaintances will appear, but if the flower withers for no reason, a person with bad intentions will appear.

But if the Decembrist blossoms on New Year’s Eve, the entire coming year will be happy and successful for you.

Beware of flowering in April - difficulties may arise, while late sudden flowering promises troubles and illnesses.

If flowers do not appear even with good care, a difficult period in your life may be coming.

What else do you need to know?

From a rational point of view, the Decembrist is useful because it purifies the air and absorbs harmful compounds.

It is believed that if the Decembrist has white flowers, then it belongs to the element of metal, and in the house such a zone is the north-western parts of the rooms.

If you place a flower there, you can, according to signs, hope for an improvement in your financial affairs.

In general, the Decembrist's element is air, so it can be placed anywhere, the main thing is that the height is right.

Where else is the flower placed?

The Decembrist is considered a warlike flower that absorbs negative energy, so it is often placed in the hallway, bathroom, and entrance hall.

Often placed in the living room to create a warm, soulful atmosphere. They say that unkind guests quickly leave the house in this case.

They “register” in the bedroom if they need to adjust their relationship or if insomnia is bothering them.

In a child's room, the presence of a Decembrist ensures the development of such qualities in the child as sociability, attentiveness, and creativity.

Often the flower is placed in the kitchen, especially if a large family constantly has breakfast, lunch and dinner there.

You can often see the Decembrist in offices, cabinets, reception rooms. It is believed that it absorbs negative energy in rooms where there are many people.

At the same time, it gives the employees working there a positive attitude and helps them overcome stress.

Earlier we told you how you can save garlic that spoils in winter using one radical method.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Signs
  2. What else do you need to know?
  3. Where else is the flower placed?