You can sharpen a knife without special tools if you know how to do it. Then you won't need a whetstone or anything else.
Even a fragile housewife can cope with such a situation.
So, if you find yourself alone with a dull knife and have no one to ask to fix it, follow the following plan.

With another knife
This is the simplest of the popular methods. To do this, take a knife in each hand and run the blade over the blade several times.
In this case, you need to act vigorously, each time applying some force, as if you are trying to clean the blade from dirt.
This is how meat sellers often sharpen their knives at their workplace.
Using a plate or saucer
You will need a saucer with a rim with a rough surface on the back side.
These are mostly old dishes.
This very rough rim works like a real sharpening stone.
It is enough to run the blade along the rim several times with moderate pressure - and the knife will be sharp again.
Earlier we talked about how to tell if an egg has gone bad .