Today the word gentleman is not used as often, but the concept itself is still relevant for many people.
Women especially love gentlemen – such people are also respected in society.
But in order to have this status, it is not enough to buy a tailcoat and a black top hat – it is important to possess certain qualities.

Let's see how one can become a gentleman in modern society.
What are the qualities of a modern gentleman?
Here are some tips:
- Punctuality. Such a person always arrives on time, and sometimes appears earlier than the appointed time.
- Music in headphones. Don't show off your musical tastes to others.
- You shouldn't talk about your personal life even to close friends.
- It's best not to sit on your phone when you're talking to someone.
- A gentleman dresses according to the level of formality of the occasion.
- He holds the door so that it doesn't hit the person passing behind.
- A gentleman knows when to speak up and when to remain silent.