After the end of the season, there is still one owner left on the site - a small animal with a black fur coat.
He continues to dig the ground tirelessly, turning the flat lawn into a hilly area.
To avoid being upset in the spring because of the large number of piles of soil dug up on the site, try to protect your territory.

You can use various ultrasonic repellents and other devices, but they only help at positive temperatures, as they operate on batteries.
Which method is more effective?
It has been observed that the mole becomes most active during the spring and autumn periods.
There is a method called the Aeolian harp, which is bottles or metal cans that hum in the wind and scare away moles.
It can be improved by taking a piece of long and relatively thin reinforcement and putting a beer can on it.
The thin and long reinforcement sways strongly in the wind, and the can makes a loud metallic sound.