Why you can't keep someone else's dishes in your house: folk signs and superstitions

11.07.2023 05:50

Someone else's plates, mugs or pots may appear in the apartment.

How exactly? For example, there was a feast at home recently, and one of the guests brought dishes with them, and then forgot to take them away.

Or the hostess borrowed cups or frying pans from her neighbor for a while and can’t return the items to their owner.

According to popular beliefs and superstitions, such phenomena can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Danger from other people's dishes

Our ancestors believed that other people's dishes bring bad luck and misfortune into the house.

Photo: © Belnovosti

First of all, we are talking about financial difficulties. According to beliefs, if there are plates and other similar items in the apartment that do not belong to the residents, then the family may face poverty.

Therefore, it is recommended to avoid the presence of other people's items in the house that are intended for preparing and eating food.

In other words, you shouldn't let guests bring their own plates. Also, you shouldn't borrow such things. If a mistake was made, the dishes should be returned as soon as possible.

How to return dishes correctly

To neutralize the bad omen, you need to do one simple thing - wash the dishes.

It is believed that water will wash away all potential failures and troubles.

There is no need to be lazy: the more thoroughly other people's plates are washed before returning them to their owner, the better.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Danger from other people's dishes
  2. How to return dishes correctly