How to properly collect and dry linden: otherwise you won’t be able to brew delicious tea

23.06.2023 17:00

Everyone knows how useful linden blossom is. A decoction of it is the first remedy for diseases.

But this does not mean that linden is exclusively a medicinal remedy.

Linden tea was drunk in the old days for lack of other options. We will tell you how to properly collect and dry linden blossom.

Here are some tips that are essential to follow.

1. To collect flowers, you need to choose trees that grow away from highways and populated areas where there are industrial enterprises.

Linden Flower
Photo: © Belnovosti

2. Linden is rarely found in forests, so it makes sense to look for plantings near villages and summer cottages.

3. You shouldn't go to collect flowers right after it rains. It's only right to do this in dry weather.

4. For convenience, you can cut the flowers with scissors. Only flowers with a petal sticking out to the side are suitable for harvesting.

5. At the same time, you need to be careful not to collect insects that often live in flowers.

6. If the linden is collected in a clean area and not near a road, then there is no point in washing it before drying.

7. Dry the collected flowers on cabinets or tables, laying paper, napkins or gauze.

This should be a well-ventilated area with low humidity.

The flowers need to be stirred periodically.

Usually in hot weather the flowers dry out within 3-4 days. After that the linden is put into paper bags and stored in a dry and dark place.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor