Every woman sometimes has an expired face cream in her cosmetic bag, which many try to throw away immediately.
There may also be cosmetics in stock that for one reason or another are not suitable.
Such creams can be actively used for your own purposes.

What ideas can be taken into account?
Skin cleansing
This cream can be a great base for a hand cleanser. If you want your skin to stay young, soft and beautiful, you can do the following.
Add regular sugar to a jar of unnecessary cream and you will get an excellent hand scrub.
For tight shoes
Sometimes we buy shoes that turn out to be a little tight. Some housewives know a clever way to deal with the problem.
To do this, you need to treat the inside of the shoes with a cosmetic product. After 10 minutes, you will need to put them on and walk around the house for several hours.
For all leather goods
If your leather accessories and shoes have stopped looking attractive, you can “revive” them with the help of regular cream.
We treat the surface of the products with a cosmetic product and then polish them with a clean soft cloth.