Some people prefer to wear gold and silver jewelry together.
However, you shouldn’t follow the example of such lovers of rings, chains, earrings and pendants.
Wearing gold and silver at the same time poses serious dangers.

And it is not only about the bad influence of the main precious metals on each other. And not about the poor compatibility of products in terms of beauty and style.
It is also necessary to remember popular beliefs, according to which gold and silver are carriers of opposite energy.
Consequences of wearing gold and silver
Before putting on gold and silver jewelry, you need to remember about their energy.
Gold symbolizes the Sun, and silver - the night light.
The first precious metal is associated with the warm season, and the second with the cold season.
When worn separately, gold and silver items have different protective properties, according to signs.
It is believed that it is difficult to cast a spell on a person who wears such jewelry. It is impossible to curse him.
But if you wear both a silver and a gold ring together, an energy “storm” may appear that will negatively affect the owner of the jewelry.
Problems in family, work, finances and many other areas of life are possible.