Why you should wash the floor with a red rag: an old belief that will surprise you

11.05.2023 21:00

Since ancient times, the red color has had a special aura that influences a person and his family.

According to popular belief, in such a task as washing floors, the color of the rag used for this purpose is of great importance.

According to popular belief, it is better to clean your home with a red rag. There are several signs on this matter.

Photo: Pixabay

Why you need to wash the floor with a red rag: signs

Based on ancient beliefs, the color red attracts good luck and material well-being to the home.

It was believed that washing the floor with a red rag somehow attracts money into the home. In this case, financial success does not bypass all family members.

Useful tips

Practical people who don’t believe in omens also think that a red rag for washing floors is a great option.

The whole secret is that dirt is more visible on red fabric: dust, small debris, animal hair. This will help to assess how well the floors are washed, and which area requires more attention.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Why you need to wash the floor with a red rag: signs
  2. Useful tips

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