Why hang a horseshoe at home: how to properly observe the belief to attract happiness

10.05.2023 21:04

According to popular belief, a horseshoe is a powerful talisman that can attract good luck, happiness and success.

Ideas about this appeared in ancient times, but were not lost in the dust of centuries, reaching the 21st century.

Horseshoe at home: the essence of the sign

Ancestors believed that a horseshoe found on the road would bring good luck if it was brought home and hung above the front door. It was recommended to secure it with a nail. The talisman was considered to have power if it was simply given as a gift.

Over time, the belief has changed a little. In the modern world, any horseshoe is a symbol of good luck. Now, not only iron products are hung at home, but also decorative horseshoes made of other materials (wood, ceramics, glass, etc.).

In addition, the horseshoe has become a symbol of expulsion of evil spirits and all sorts of misfortunes. It is believed that it can cleanse the house of all bad things and bring happiness.

A horseshoe
Photo: Pixabay

How to hang a horseshoe - up or down

Both options are acceptable. But everything depends on the goal being pursued. If you need to protect your home from evil spirits and ill-wishers, then hang the horseshoe upside down. The talisman is placed inside or outside the house - at the owners' choice.

According to legend, negativity entering the house enters one end of the amulet and exits from the other and does not remain in the home.

If you want to attract happiness, money and good luck, then the horseshoe is attached with the semicircle down and the ends up.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor

  1. Horseshoe at home: the essence of the sign
  2. How to hang a horseshoe - up or down