Bread crumbs should not be removed from the table with your hands: here is how the signs explain it

27.04.2023 22:07

In a hurry or simply out of laziness, many people remove bread crumbs from the table with their hands.

But in the old days they believed that you can't do that. There are folk signs on this account that explain why you shouldn't do that.

What do folk signs say?

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that this can bring serious problems to the family. The sign says that a quarrel can happen, and reconciliation will not come so quickly.

If crumbs fall on the floor while sweeping, then a scandal cannot be avoided. However, the sign indicates that a quarrel may not happen immediately.

If you sweep up crumbs with your hands regularly, the negative energy will accumulate and then something bad will happen.

Photo: Pixabay

Another belief says that a person who sweeps up bread crumbs with his hands dooms himself to poverty and a series of financial failures.

Another sign forbids leaving crumbs on the table overnight. It is believed that such an act can bring illness, deterioration of health and failure in any endeavors to household members.

Dmitry Bobrovich Author: Dmitry Bobrovich Internet resource editor