Paper wallpaper is one of the most affordable options for wall decoration, but it has a number of its own disadvantages.
The most obvious disadvantage is the difficulty in dealing with stains.
Wallpaper is not so easy to wash, as it can easily be damaged.
What to do if stains appear
A regular eraser
If you have small children, they have probably tried at least once to turn the walls into a huge place for drawings. It is difficult to remove traces of office supplies.
However, you can try to rub them off with an eraser. It is worth remembering that for pencils and pens you need to buy a special version.
Old toothbrush
If you suddenly find an old stain on the wallpaper, it will be difficult to deal with it. You can try taking an old toothbrush. It should be dry.
Remove the stain mechanically. After that, you can lightly rinse the hard side of the sponge and wipe the problem area.
Bread vs. Fat
If you have wallpaper in the kitchen, this is a very difficult decision. The walls will constantly have traces of grease. Fresh bread copes best with this problem.
The product is applied to the stain for several minutes. Then, using a piece of bread, the surface is carefully polished.