How to deal with dried grease stains in the kitchen: a folk remedy - and it will be as good as new

28.03.2023 13:24

Maintaining constant cleanliness and order is most difficult in the kitchen. There is always something boiling, frying, bubbling and splashing here.

If you don’t remove stains in time, they dry out and become covered with dust, which complicates cleaning and forces you to use household chemicals.

In the old days, people somehow got used to doing without this, and it turned out no worse.

We will tell you which folk remedies will help to deal with soot and greasy deposits in the kitchen.

Modern manufacturers offer a lot of means to protect the hob from splashes. These include silicone mats and ordinary foil.

Kitchen Stove
Photo: © Belnovosti

But it won’t be possible to cover the entire kitchen this way.

The easiest and most accessible option for removing stains that threaten to become difficult is to use ordinary lemon and baking soda.

To prepare the composition, take the juice of one lemon. The ratio of ingredients is 1:1.5, where the first value is juice, and the second is soda.

Simply mix the ingredients, apply to a napkin or sponge and begin treating the stained surface.

This folk remedy works great on old stains as well as fresh ones, but its residue is easily washed off.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor