A Coin, a Ring, and a Key: What Folk Signs Say About Things Found on the Street

23.03.2023 14:04
Updated: 14.04.2023 20:25

Esotericists believe that every find has its own meaning.

If you know the meaning of the most popular of them, you can predict future events and prepare for them.


If you see a coin lying on the ground with its head up, it means good luck in business. You can pick it up. But you shouldn't touch the bills. In the latter case, there is a high risk of serious losses.


This item foretells serious news, the disclosure of other people's secrets.

If you find a bunch of keys, you may soon become part of someone's plan.

Photo: © Belnovosti

If the key is clean and new, then this means great luck, a romantic meeting or the birth of a child.


If you find a ring, you can count on success in financial matters.

When an unmarried girl finds an earring or a chain, it foretells a fateful meeting for her.


Seeing an umbrella on the street that someone has forgotten or dropped means positive changes.


Finding a lonely shoe on the road means an unpleasant meeting. If a pair of shoes is left behind, then a meeting with an old friend will soon occur.

Olga Kotova Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor

  1. Money
  2. Keys
  3. Decorations
  4. Umbrella
  5. Shoes