What to do if your garlic stocks start sprouting: leave them for planting or eat them

13.02.2023 19:14

No matter how hard summer residents try to store garlic supplies, sooner or later it still starts to sprout.

Nature takes its course, and the green shoots can no longer be pushed back in. This means that the moment has come when you have to choose: eat your garlic supplies or plant them.

In fact, there are almost no options, because if the garlic has sprouted from the cloves, it will be impossible to stop it. And with each passing day, the number of options will decrease.

What to do with garlic

So, if garlic has started to show signs of life, you definitely shouldn’t hesitate or think for long.

1. As long as the sprouts are still small, the plant is considered fit for consumption, but it can also be left to germinate.

Photo: © Belnovosti

2. After the feather grows more than 1 cm in height, the cloves will be suitable only for sowing. Inside, the clove will become dry, hard, hollow.

3. Alternatively, plant them on greenery. You can even plant them in trays or cups on the windowsill.

4. You can (again, if the condition of the clove allows) recycle it. The most common way is to dry the cloves in a dryer and then grind them in a blender or coffee grinder.

5. If you need fresh garlic, you can put the sprouted cloves through a meat grinder and store them in the freezer in an ice cube tray.

And the last popular option for preparation is garlic salt. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with coarse table salt, and then dry.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor