How to get rid of odors in the kitchen if there is no hood: 5 methods that have proven themselves

26.01.2023 00:30
Updated: 13.04.2023 15:58

The kitchen constantly accumulates various aromas that cause ambiguous sensations.

If there is no hood, some people refuse to cook aromatic dishes, believing that the smells will spread throughout the entire apartment.

Therefore, it is worth remembering 5 ways that will help get rid of various odors in the kitchen if there is no hood.


Kitchen ventilation must be done correctly. Many people make typical mistakes and then wonder why odors begin to actively spread throughout the room. There are several important recommendations.

  1. The window should open completely or for ventilation. As practice shows, micro-ventilation is not enough.
  2. The doors to the kitchen must be closed. Otherwise, all the smells will spread throughout the apartment.
  3. If you have a fan, you can install it in the kitchen and point it towards the window.

Of course, it is not comfortable to constantly ventilate the room while cooking. But are there any other options?

Photo: © Belnovosti

If there is no hood, then this method can be called one of the best.

Timely cleaning is important

The kitchen accumulates dust, dirty dishes and food. All of them can emit unpleasant odors. Here are some tips to remember:

  • do not leave the frying pan with the oil in which the food was cooked. Some people think that the frying pan can be used several times and only then washed, but this is a mistake. A dirty frying pan will always emit odors, even if there is no visible contamination on the surface;
  • The trash should be taken out once a day. There is no point in waiting until the trash can is full to the brim;
  • it is unacceptable to leave crumbs and other food remnants on the table;
  • all products should be stored in the refrigerator;
  • All greasy and sticky surfaces should be cleaned immediately, without waiting for the debris to start to harden.

The kitchen should be cleaned regularly. It is advisable to clean it perfectly immediately after cooking and eating. If you put off cleaning until later, unpleasant odors will constantly manifest themselves.

Pleasant natural aromas

To combat unpleasant odors, some people start using air fresheners, but this is one of the main mistakes. Air fresheners do not combat unpleasant odors, and this point should be clearly taken into account.

To create pleasant smells in the kitchen, it makes sense to use natural means and methods. A simple example: you can put water on low heat, adding cinnamon sticks or lemon zest to it. This method will allow you to saturate the entire room with pleasant aromas in just an hour. You should not boil cinnamon for more than an hour, because if it starts to burn, the smell will be far from pleasant.

Making coffee

If you brew natural coffee every morning, the pleasant aroma in the apartment will delight you. This habit should definitely be developed in yourself, because it will only bring benefits.


Vinegar can be called the best odor neutralizer. Of course, the smell of vinegar is very sharp and unpleasant. This method should be used in the most critical moments, when there are simply no other options. It is enough to put a saucepan on low heat and add a few spoons of table vinegar. Boil on low heat for no more than one hour. At the very end, you should open the window and ventilate the room well.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Internet resource editor

  1. Ventilation
  2. Timely cleaning is important
  3. Pleasant natural aromas
  4. Making coffee
  5. Vinegar