Several members of the US House of Representatives have issued statements on the origins of the coronavirus.
In their opinion, it is most likely that COVID-19 began to spread in connection with the incident that occurred in the Wuhan laboratory.
This was reported by the TASS agency, citing a report by congressmen that was prepared for two years.

The document states that "COVID-19 most likely originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China."
The authors of the report tend to believe that the reason for this was “a certain incident” that arose as a result of experiments by Chinese scientists with the virus, who wanted to “add properties to it.”
American politicians claim that the coronavirus has biological characteristics that are not found in nature.
It also claims that the Wuhan Institute of Virology conducted research “at an inappropriate level of biosafety.”
According to the hypothesis put forward in the report, the institute's scientists were infected with a virus "similar to COVID" in the fall of 2019, a couple of months before the "corona" was discovered at a local seafood market.
By almost all scientific criteria, if there was evidence of the virus's natural origin, it would have surfaced by now, lawmakers are convinced.