There are a few weeks left before the beginning of the calendar winter.
Most likely, the period of frosts and snowfalls will begin soon.
Before the onset of the cold season, it is worth remembering one important rule for operating a mobile device.

Remember where you usually put your smartphone in winter before going outside.
In your jacket pocket? Know that you made a grave mistake.
Why You Shouldn't Keep Your Phone in Your Winter Jacket Pocket
Unfortunately, winter clothing pockets are not suitable for storing mobile devices.
Such containers do not provide gadgets with 100% protection from low temperatures.
Want to really protect your smartphone from frost? Then put your phone in a bag!
If you ignore the recommendation and leave your mobile phone in your jacket pocket, the device will be exposed to temperature changes.
First, the gadget will be affected by frost. And when you enter the room, the phone will be exposed to heat.
Constant repetition of temperature changes negatively affects the battery: it loses capacity and begins to discharge too quickly.
There is another important recommendation: if you still put your smartphone in the pocket of your winter jacket, then at least do not rush to charge the device after returning home. Wait at least 30 minutes: let the mobile phone "get used" to the room temperature.