Has your mobile been charging too slowly lately?
Don't worry! You can get the process back to its former speed.
But first, you need to find the reason for the slow replenishment of the charge level.

The most common factors are:
Using the "wrong" charger
Have you recently stopped using your "original" charger?
Then the reason for slow charging has been found: apparently, you have found a low-quality replacement for the charger.
Go back to using the original device, if that's possible.
If the “native” charger is missing or has stopped working, then purchase an alternative device that is of the highest quality.
The cable is damaged
It is possible that the battery level is refilling too slowly due to poor condition of the USB cable.
It is possible that at some point you accidentally damaged this wire.
Replacing the accessory will guarantee a solution to the problem.
The connector is clogged
It may be due to the poor condition of the smartphone's charging socket.
It is possible that a lot of dust has accumulated in the connector.
You can easily make a nest cleaning tool from a toothpick and a cotton pad.
But act very carefully and cautiously: there is a high risk of serious damage to the connector.
Using a charging smartphone
Are you so attached to your gadget that you can’t do without internet surfing and mobile games even when the device is charging?
This is very bad! After all, you increase the load on the phone. That's why the battery can't charge quickly.
Remember: the charging mobile phone must be left untouched.
Worn out battery
If you have been actively using your smartphone for more than five years, then don’t be surprised that the battery charges very slowly.
Most likely, the battery has simply “used out its resource.”
If you are sure that the problem is not in the charger, USB cable and connector, then contact specialists to replace the battery. Yes, you will have to spend money. But the problem will be solved.