Durov said that Telegram had previously provided authorities with information about criminals

02.10.2024 14:07

Telegram founder Pavel Durov stated that the messenger had previously provided information about criminals at the request of the authorities.

It continues to do so now. According to the Russian, his company has been disclosing IP addresses and phone numbers of attackers since 2018.

Durov reported this on his own Telegram channel, noting that this process “had already been established.”

Photo: © Belnovosti

Privacy Policy

Since 2018, Telegram may disclose IP addresses/phone numbers of criminals to authorities in accordance with our privacy policy in most countries, ” he wrote.

He added: the process was set up “long before last week.”

Earlier, at the end of last month, Durov announced that his messenger had updated its privacy policy.

According to the new principles, he noted, the IP addresses and phone numbers of messenger users who violate its rules may be transferred to the authorities upon their “reasonable requests.”


The Russian notes that every time Telegram received a “correctly executed legal request via the appropriate communication lines,” it checked it.

If the necessary requirements for such requests were met, the messenger transmitted the requested data about the criminals.

The entrepreneur clarified that the number of such requests increased in the third quarter of this year.

He explained this by saying that “more and more EU authorities have started to use the correct line of communication provided for by the EU DSA law for their inquiries.”

Durov reported that last week Telegram streamlined and unified its privacy policy for different countries, but the basic principles of the messenger's operation were not adjusted.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Requests

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