TOP job in Belarus. Profession of electric gas welder: essence, specifics, salaries

19.12.2024 18:00

The profession of an electric gas welder in Belarus is one of the most necessary, and therefore specialists are always in demand.

And now the situation is exactly the same. This is at least evidenced by the number of vacancies in the database of the state employment service alone.

There are currently almost two thousand current offers from employers.

Photo: © Belnovosti

As for salaries, they offer different ones. There is a minimum of 626 rubles, and there are up to 7,000 rubles.

But most often, employers invite professionals for a monthly salary of 1,500 - 2,000 rubles.

However, more about this below. Now – about the essence and specifics of the work.


As the name suggests, an electric and gas welder performs welding work (on metal) using electric and gas welding.

Specificity – work using an electric arc for a continuous combustion process in order to obtain the strongest and most even weld.

The specialist works with many types of steel. Materials with a thickness of over 10 mm are used.

The plasma welding method is also actively used, but it is considered extremely complex and dangerous (the temperature can exceed 30,000 degrees).

Thus, an electric and gas welder performs manual welding of parts of varying complexity from various metals.

In addition to manual welding, he often deals with automated devices.

The worker welds not only parts, but also entire structures.

Works with refractory and stainless materials, such as titanium and titanium-based alloys.

In addition, the electric gas welder reads and independently executes drawings.

Working conditions

Specific conditions depend on the place of work. And it can be at a factory, at a construction site, in an agricultural or housing and communal services organization, or in other areas of activity.

However, all areas have one thing in common - not the most pleasant. The work is associated with conditions that are harmful and dangerous to health and life.

The electric gas welder's vision and respiratory system are at particular risk.

For this reason – harmful and dangerous conditions – a specialist, in addition to having professional competencies, is required to strictly adhere to welding standards, fire safety rules and labor protection.

At the same time, a number of specific benefits are provided for workers. For the same reason.


The issue was touched upon above. Now – in more detail. First, let’s look at the vacancies in the State Employment Service database and find out who offers the “minimum wage”.

For example, the organization "ZUBRmontazhStroy" (Osipovichi) hires an electric gas welder for 626 rubles.


The same amount was promised to the specialist by the enterprise “Slobodskoye imeni Lenina” (Mozyr district).

A similar amount appears in the vacancies of two Zhlobin organizations: “Zhilkomservis dva” and “Zhlobinskoye PMS”.

The most popular salaries for an electric gas welder today are from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.

Thus, the enterprise “Dorstroyindustriya” (Fanipol) is ready to pay exactly one and a half thousand.


The enterprise "Remput Belarusian Railway" (Vitebsk) will issue the employee from 1,500 to 1,850 rubles.

Novopolotsk Trust No. 16 declared salaries in the amount of 1,600 to 2,000 rubles.

Transport Park No. 4 of Minsk has provided for the payment of an electric and gas welder's wages in the range from 1,670 to 1,830 rubles.

And finally, the highest salary is the amount from 6,000 to 7,000 rubles.

This salary is indicated in the vacancy of the drilling company "Delta" (Rechitsa district).


In addition to professional knowledge and skills, applicants for the position are required to have a vocational education and at least 2 years of work experience.

Pavel Gospodarik Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor

  1. Peculiarities
  2. Working conditions
  3. Salaries

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