The Minsk State Traffic Inspectorate addressed all Belarusian pedestrians. It gave a life hack regarding clothing.
A valuable recommendation was published by the press service of the capital's State Traffic Inspectorate in its official Telegram channel.
The agency recommends "lowering" one item of clothing. This, it claims, will help protect against trouble.

We are talking about the hood. Law enforcement officers do not recommend pedestrians to cross the roadway wearing it.
Citizens are reminded that hoods obstruct a full view of the roadway, which increases the risk of not noticing an approaching vehicle.
For safety reasons, pedestrians should lower their hoods, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate advises.
Next, you should make sure that approaching vehicles have stopped.
Only after this can you cross the roadway, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate summed up.
Let us add that hoods and headphones often become the cause of accidents, many of which end in injuries and even deaths for pedestrians.
Recently, there has been an increase in such incidents when crossing railway tracks and at pedestrian crossings.
Yes, people often get into unpleasant situations due to their own carelessness (for example, running in front of a train in the hope of being faster than it), but hoods are also a serious threat.
Best recommendation: cross the road and railway tracks without headphones and with your hood down.