The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus has calculated that more than 70% of the country's rides have expired.
This figure appears in the draft resolution of the department “On Amending the Resolution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus dated December 27, 2019 No. 67.”
The relevant information was published on the republic’s legal internet portal.

It draws attention to the fact that, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, over 70% of the rides in the country have reached their designated service life.
Many have served two or even more terms of service. One period of operation, as a rule, is from 7 to 10 years.
The ministry noted that this fact is the basis for making adjustments to the rules for the safe operation of such facilities.
The agency clarifies: the need to amend the rules is due to the results of the investigation into the causes of the incident with the “Swans” attraction in Minsk’s Chelyuskintsev Park.
In order to minimize risks, the Ministry of Emergency Situations initiates an extension of further operation of attractions for no more than 12 months.
If the attraction has worked for 3 or more of its designated service life, then it is proposed to decommission and dispose of it.