Scientists have warned that on Friday, November 29, the Earth could be attacked by powerful magnetic storms.
Their activities on the planet will begin this evening, November 28.
On Friday night they will intensify significantly, reaching class G1 (there are five levels of power for such storms, the maximum being G5).

At six in the morning (Belarusian time) on November 29, the storms will intensify even more and may reach level G2.
This was reported by representatives of the Laboratory of Solar Astronomy of the Space Research Institute and the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI and ISTP RAS).
At the same time, experts noted that in the second half of tomorrow the Earth’s magnetic field will “calm down.”
According to their estimates, the probability of a magnetic storm on Friday is 20%, and the probability of a strong magnetic storm is 40%.
Scientists predict that magnetic storms will not disturb earthlings in December, at least they do not yet see any prerequisites for their occurrence.
There is one exception, however. It is reported that a small disturbance is possible from December 5 to 7, but it will not reach storm level.
For reference
A geomagnetic storm is a disturbance of the geomagnetic field lasting from several hours to several days.