Here it is, the middle of December. In the folk calendar, the 15th of this month is called Avvakum's Day. It is also called White Winter Day.
Orthodox believers today honor the memory of the prophet Habakkuk.
On this day, people usually indulge in snow fun in the fresh air.

Well, in the storehouse of folk wisdom there are also signs that will help you find out what the weather will be like in the near future, as well as help you “look” into January.
A cat can tell you a lot about weather conditions. For example, if it sleeps on the floor, it's going to get warm.
If your whiskered tail warms itself on the stove or on the radiator, frost will attack, and if your pet sleeps all day, you will be stormed by a fierce cold.
The sparrows chirping today say that warm weather is coming soon, but if they hide under the roof, it will get colder.
Chickens that immediately go to roost will also “tell” about frosts. And birds sitting on the treetops will tell about strong winds.
Are the crows croaking? You should know that it's snowing. And if a rooster crows earlier than expected, it's going to get warmer soon.
Noticed that geese hide their heads under their wings? Expect frost. Lots of snow today? Juicy grass will grow in the spring.
If it rains today, the whole of January will be damp.
A foggy circle around the moon indicates that a snowstorm is coming soon.