On December 25, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saint Spyridon of Trimythous.
In the folk calendar, December 25 is Spiridon's Day, Dark Day, Spiridon Solstice, Spiridon Solnovorot, Spiridon Povorotnik, Solnoputye.
According to folk signs, on this day you can determine the weather for the New Year.

Weather signs for December 25
Whatever the weather is like on the Spiridon Solstice, that's what it will be like on New Year's.
If the day is clear, there will be frost on New Year's Eve.
Also, a clear Spiridon day promises a good harvest.
If it is cloudy on this day, there will be a thaw on New Year's Eve.
A cloudy morning on Spiridon promises an early spring.
If the wind changes direction, there will be a large harvest of buckwheat.
If sparrows drag fluff and feathers into their nests, a cold snap is coming.
If livestock asks to go into a stall, it will snow.
If the branches of the juniper are bent, there will be a snowstorm.