On December 20, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saint Ambrose of Milan and Saint Nilus of Stolobensk.
In the folk calendar, December 20 is Ambrosim's (Ambrose's) Day, Nilov's Day, Mother's Night.
According to folk signs, on this day you can determine what the summer will be like.

Weather signs for December 20
Frosty weather on St. Ambrosim's Day foretells a hot summer.
Heavy snowfall on Ambrose means a rainy summer.
If the snow is light and dry, the summer will be dry.
Bright stars on Mother's Night foretell frost.
A strong east wind on this day means a prolonged cold snap.
You should also expect a cold snap if your cat drinks a lot of water.
If a dog rolls in the snow, there will be a blizzard.
If crows caw loudly, it will rain.
If horses lie down on the ground, expect snowfall.