Experts have calculated how much a corporate New Year's Eve party will cost the average Belarusian.
The price depends on the format of the event. The minimum level is 100 rubles, the maximum is 300 rubles.
The head of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade, Aleksei Bogdanov, announced this on the air of the Belarus 1 TV channel.

He stated that “a hot time has arrived for the catering industry as well.”
Since everyone wants to spend the New Year holiday with their loved ones, friends and their teams, corporate events are organized, the minister noted.
According to him, MART also holds its own corporate events – this year, the department’s employees “had a hard time finding a free place for themselves.”
The fact is that now many cafes and restaurants are “booked for such events.”
And MART, based on incoming information, notes that this service – corporate events – is popular among Belarusians.
The Ministry has calculated the estimated cost of this type of event per person.
As Bogdanov said, the price varies from 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the format.
In his opinion, “this should ensure a choice of service for every consumer taste.”
He expressed confidence that the domestic catering industry, which has introduced many innovations in national dishes, will please both fellow countrymen and guests of the country.